When I read this headline, my jaw dropped, much like it did Sunday night with 'The Walking Dead' but that's whole other story (Be a truther!). I grew up on bacon, hot dogs, ham, and bologna, we all did! I can't imagine a hearty breakfast without a processed pork product. Ham is one of the state of Kentucky's finest exports; cured ham on a biscuit? You can't beat it! I think the World Health Organization needs to simmer down a bit.


Here's what we all need to remember, excessive consumption of any food, be it healthy or unhealthy, can be bad for us. Believe me, I don't take the term carcinogenic or cancer lightly. We think we need to only worry about weight gain, heart problems, high blood pressure, etc. when we eat these processed red meats. Personally, I'm not a fan of hot dogs or sausage links; we've heard rumors of some pretty heinous ingredients packed into the casings. But bacon! Dude, I can't live without it, but I can eat it in moderation.

Think of all you grandparents and other ancestors who ate like this and worse. We hear stories all the time of old ladies or gentlemen who live to be really old and they maybe ate bacon and eggs everyday for 50 years or they ate a lot of sugar. That's what my late grandmother Morris used to do, she would eat a lot of sweets in her later years. I'm going to guess it's what tasted the best to her. I remember Mom and Dad saying they would sometimes have fried chicken for breakfast. Bottom line, to tell me a piece of bacon is just as dangerous as a cigarette is kind of silly.

The website Vox breaks down why we shouldn't totally freak out over the WHO's findings. In the meantime, fry up some bacon and save me some! And a biscuit!

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