As all of you know, I'm from Hartford, which is a classic small town. But, is it a "perfectly Southern" small town? According to Only in Kentucky, this small town is what they consider "perfectly Southern".

All right, so in a "perfectly Southern" small town, it must have an old-fashioned soda fountain, an old courthouse, buildings that may or may not have been renovated over the years, and a harvest festival. Now, not to discount Elkton, it is a cool small town, but most towns I've been to and lived in in Western Kentucky are not much different. Most small towns have an old courthouse. A old-fashioned soda fountain may be a little more scarce, but does that make the town that has it "perfectly Southern"? Don't they have soda fountains all over the country, the world?

In short, all small towns, in one way or another, are "perfect". They don't have look perfect or even feel perfect. And if your town isn't what you or society considers "perfect", it's okay.

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