GuySpeed Editors

Super Fit Man Sets Record With 2,200 Push-Ups in an Hour
Carlton Williams sure knows how to push himself.

Man With Serious Soul Dazzles at Miami Heat Dancer Audition
The Miami Heat haven't had a marquis attraction since LeBron James hightailed it out of South Beach last year. This guy sure looks up to the job.

Golfer Is So Bad He Killed a Bird With a Tee Shot
Golf may be a good spoiled, but for this bird, it was a good life ended.

World’s First BMX Quad Backflip Will Blow. You. Away.
Jed Mildon has etched his name into the record books with this most incredible and awesome feat.

Little Kid Dunks Before Karma Greets Him Head-On
This kid threw down a vicious dunk only to find out the basket plays dirty.

Fisherman Who Hooked Shark Capsizes, Swims for Dear Life to Safety
It's that time of year again when reports of sharks attacking people burst to the forefront. Here's one guy who somehow managed to avoid it.

Weightlifter With No Concern for His Privates Does Chair Split While Lifting 100 Pounds
This impressive show of strength and balance could’ve gone terribly, voice-changingly wrong.

Watch Kiss Cam Turn Into Hilarious Beer Spill Cam
Along with the wave and Jumbotron proposals, the kiss cam may be the most overdone cliche in sports, which makes this all the more refreshing.

102-Year-Old Loses Something VERY Important While Celebrating Birthday
You only turn 102 once (if you're lucky), so this woman decided to mark the occasion in style.

Insane Hockey Announcer Loses All Control After Goalie Scores
A buzzer-beating 3-pointer. A walk-off home run. A touchdown in overtime. They’re all exciting, but no one can capture the drama of the moment quite like this announcer.