When I was a kid, my own personal version of "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" went like this...if Kentucky was mentioned on television of in a movie or--even better--if the series or film in question was SET in the Commonwealth, I got really excited. It made me feel that much closer to the performers I was seeing on the small or large screen.

Movies and TV Series Filmed in Kentucky

Thankfully, some of the wide-eyed wonder has joined me in adulthood, and I still get a little jazzed when something is set in Kentucky. Over the last couple of years, we've become a hotbed for filmmakers here in the Bluegrass State, and that is very exciting. Take a look at more than two pages full of approvals granted by the Kentucky Entertainment Incentive, and you'll see that that isn't dying down anytime soon.

TV Series Set in Kentucky

Certainly, it's more fun for me when something is shot here in Kentucky, but I don't mind if it's merely SET in Kentucky. However, I DO mind when they don't get Kentucky right. If it's set in the Commonwealth and filmed in California, I'm guessing the filmmakers just don't care that mountains out west don't closely resembled those found in eastern Kentucky. We also have a lot more grass here than they do out there.

And then there's this...sometimes, for the sake of authenticity, Pennsylvania will double for Kentucky. Hey, we're not that far down the Ohio River. Come see us.

Here now are ten TV series or episodes that were set or partially set in Kentucky. How many do you remember?

Scripted TV Series and Episodes Set in Kentucky

When any TV series or movie is set in Kentucky, it has my attention. I'd prefer they FILM in Kentucky (and sometimes they do both), but we can't have everything.

Gallery Credit: Dave Spencer

LOOK: Which movies were filmed in Kentucky?

Stacker compiled a list of movies filmed in Kentucky using data from Movie Locations, with additional information about each film collected from IMDb.

Gallery Credit: Stacker