Kentucky Mother of Five Shares Why She Takes So Many Photos of Her Family [PHOTOS]
One Kentucky mother of five shares why she takes so many photos of her family and the reason may surprise you or at least make you think twice.
Angel here and there are several reasons I take so many photos of my children but one very special reason. I'm a mother of five beautiful kiddos. They range from 19 all the way down to 6. In the almost 20 years I have been a mother I have nearly lost two of my children. Sadly, one of my precious girls was taken by SIDS when she was just shy of two months old.
Then just over two years later my oldest son Parker had a near-drowning. I thank God every single day he had other plans for my son.
Both of these traumatic incidents have caused me to appreciate and take in the moments of life a bit more.
My own momma took a whole lot of photos of me. She said it helped her as I got older since she knew she couldn't slow that process down. When she passed in 2008 I was grateful for all the photos she took of us together. I am now able to look back, laugh, cry, and remember our time.
After Kathern passed away I realized I would never get another photo of her again. I literally had about 10 pictures of her from the few months of her life. She was born before the days of nice cellphone cameras so we made do with what we had. I made a promise to myself that I would make an effort to take more photos of my children and my family to capture each moment in time.
For instance, my Granddaddy passed away when my older boys were so very little. They will never have an opportunity to get to know him as I did but I took photos of them with him on our last visit so I could tell them all about him and what a great man he was for our family.
I do this for every single special occasion, holiday, or family get-together, if I run into a sweet friend I haven't seen in a while I will snap a selfie. Life has taught me tomorrow is not promised so I savor every single opportunity it gives me.
I'm sure there are people who won't agree with my reasoning behind why I take so many photos and I'm ok with that. I also love posting them to social media especially Facebook not so much so others can see them but more so I get the memories each year on that date. Earlier this week my memories popped up and my youngest son Tucker's first day of Kindergarten pictures were displayed. I couldn't believe how much he had grown. I had forgotten he was so small. It reminded me to snap a photo of him with his Kindergarten teacher when we visited school later that day to see just how very much taller he was.
I look back and don't even remember their sweet little faces being so young. This is one of the best reasons to take photos.
These are the times I cherish. My children love looking back at these photos too. I'll never apologize for taking too many photos because it allows me to freeze time if just for a moment and capture the most important parts of my life-my husband, my children, family, and friends.
I read somewhere someone once said "A picture is worth a thousand words, but the memory is priceless." This is exactly how I feel about it.
My whole life in one snap shot~
Thank you for letting me share my memories and my family with those of you reading this.