Retro Arcade, Pac-Man Zone, Coming to Eastland Mall
Man, I used to kill it at Donkey Kong. That was MY game. Back when you had to get in your car and go to an arcade to play your favorite video game, I racked up big scores all over town.
I can still play Donkey Kong, but only on those RARE occasions when I can find a stand-up video game machine. I can't play it on my phone. Don't have the proper stance.
So, I'm kind of jazzed about Pac-Man Zone coming to Eastland Mall in Evansville.
If you're not familiar, Pac-Man Zone is an arcade that features all your favorite iconic video games. It's an entertainment mecca for kids of all ages.
According to the Henderson Gleaner, the Pac-Man Zone will be located Champs Sports and Locker Room by Lids.
Based on what I saw on the website, it looks like pinball could also be available.
This looks like a blast. I sense a big hit coming to Eastland Mall.
Maybe, once and for all, I can't get good at Pac-Man because, alas, I never have been.
(Cue end-of-game sound effect.)