You don’t want to miss this year’s variety show August 6th at 7:00 PM featuring Jeff Hardesty, Skylar and Sophia Cain, The Bluegrass Brothers, Mackenzie Bell, Parker Malone, Lucy Jagoe Chaney, Emmie Kate Williams, and The Footstompin Express Cloggers.
Chris walks us through an audio tour of the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum and gives us the history behind it all. Dreams do come true to those who patiently wait and trust the LORD!
Join Randy Lanham and his brother, Barry and many others for a festive Jamboree Christmas Show at the new Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame Museum!
Brothers Randy and Barry Lanham celebrating roots music, clogging, and Kentucky arts with the Lanham Brothers Jamboree...
Virginia Braswell the Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity talks with Theresa Rowe about their upcoming signature fundraiser, Banjos & Brunch. This event has been going on since 1994 when it was first started at the home of Dave and Bonnie Adkisson. Th...