As we gear up for the solar eclipse on April 8th, Downtown Evansville and many of its small businesses will host a viewing party along Riverside Drive.
Celebrate the 48th anniversary of Rocky Horror Picture Show at Old National Events Plaza. Live shadow cast, Barry Bostwick meet & greet, costume contest, and more!
Join GBF's Ticket Treasure Hunt at West Side Nut Club Fall Festival, find Kat, and win tickets to the Rock Resurrection Tour with Skillet, Theory of a Deadman, and Saint Asonia.
Celebrate the 48th anniversary of Rocky Horror Picture Show at Old National Events Plaza. Live shadow cast, Barry Bostwick meet & greet, costume contest, and more!
Special holiday pricing for select tickets to the Rock Resurrection Tour with Skillet & Theory of a Deadman December 6th in Evansville IN while supplies last.