Local H.L. Neblett Community Center prepares Deep Roots Garden for the season. Kids learn the importance of knowing where their food comes from and giving back to the community.
The 2012 H. L. Neblett Community Center Banquet will be held this Friday night at the Owensboro Country Club.
Keynote speaker for this year's banquet is former Kentucky Wesleyan and Harlem Globetrotter basketball stand-out Dallas "Big D" Thornton...
I have lived in Owensboro for about 10 years, and I am still finding new groups to take part in or events to go to, and last Friday was no exception!
While filling in for Joe on the Joe Lowe Morning Show, I had the pleasure of interviewing Larry Owen of the Men’s Mass Community Choir...
Ike and Tina, Aretha, Kenny and Dolly, Ole Blue Eyes, The Temptations were there. Others too including Martina and Robert Palmer were at Owensboro High School Friday night for the return of the H. L. Neblett Centers Toast of the Town.
The event was so big that Joan Rivers and company stood outside the theater to interview the stars as they walked in on the Red Carpet...
The 2011 Toast of the Town event returns to Owensboro Friday and Saturday August 26 and 27. The fundraiser for the H.L. Neblett Community Center features local folks as the entertainment. This year city and county officials, business leaders, citizens and area youth will participate by displaying their dance, musical and lip sync talents.