Christmas Day a sweet pup was dumped at the Daviess County Animal Shelter. The next day the dog was nowhere to be found. Here's how it could have been avoided.
The Harris family is desperate to find Sariyah and bring her home. She's been out in the elements missing her family, with no food for three days. They're offering a $100 reward for her safe return. Have you seen Sariyah?
UPDATE: After a 92 hour adventure Charlie is finally home with his family! In 2020 can't we all can appreciate a feel good ending? I say yes. Yes indeed. Now, if only Charlie could talk.
The Gillaspie family is desperate to find Charlie and bring him home. He's been out in the heat, with no food for two days. He was last spotted around Walmart on 54 a few hours ago. They are offering a $500 reward for his safe return.
Just take a look at this sweet face. Can you imagine Rocky out in the heat, rain and storms? His family is desperate to bring him home and his human brother is devastated. Have you seen Rocky roaming around Owensboro?