Angel here! You all have seriously watched my Charlotte grown up. Last Friday, she started preschool and I wanted to share with you pictures from her first day.
Angel Here! My Tucker attended Hager Preschool for two years. We loved attending but always wished that he could go all day. Now parents have that option for the upcoming school year.
The Daviess County Public Schools will be accepting registrations in March for children who will begin preschool or kindergarten in August 2018. Here are the registration dates and other information you need to get your child signed up.
The Daviess County Public Schools will be accepting registrations starting in March for children who will begin preschool or kindergarten beginning in August 2017.
The “Egalia” preschool in Stockholm, Sweden is taking that nation’s goal of breaking down gender roles in early education to the extreme.
Not only are boys encouraged to play with toy kitchens, and girls with building blocks, but the pronouns “him” and “her’ (or “han” and “hon” in Swedish) are banned from usage. Instead, everyone is refereed to with the invented pronoun of “hen.”