Rush Limbaugh, heard on WOMI every day, has teamed up with Mahindra USA to give away a Max 22 tractor to a U.S. Military member, either active or a veteran.
Rush told us, “I’d like to thank Mahindra, the world’s number-one-selling tractor, for their generosity...
Radio show host Rush Limbaugh praised Nelson Mandela, the former South African president who died this week, as a man who suffered the horrors of apartheid and prison without letting it turn him "bitter and angry."
Rush Limbaugh, definitely the ultimate talk show host, is stirring up another controversy, although this one is mostly affecting the radio industry. You may recall February, 2012, when Rush made on...
Facing mounting critical and advertiser pressure in the aftermath of his harsh commentary about law student Sandra Fluke and her testimony before Congress about birth control, WOMI Midday host Rush Limbaugh issued an followin apology on Saturday evening:
“For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong word
Yesterday Rush Limbaugh lambasted rumors that were flying that he hires people to call his show. Rush recalled his on-air days as a dee jay at KQV, Pittsburgh where he "punked" a woman working in a department store. Read the transcript here...