Do you know any outstanding teachers in grades K-12? Nominate them now and they could win cash during the 3rd annual McDonald's Outstanding Educator Awards.
Owensboro Public School Elementary School teachers are going the extra mile for their precious students stuck at home during this time. They came together in their vehicles and created a drive-by caravan to greet students.
Angel here! As a mother of 5 children, I have seen my fair share of homework over the years. With one child in every school, I am posing the question...Is Homework Really Necessary?
As a former educator, I don't think any dollar amount is enough for the hours worked, the sacrifice made my teachers and all they put into the job. Recently, released an article ranking teacher salaries in the U.S. and this is how Kentucky ranked-->
Angel here. Today is National Teacher Appreciation Day and I am celebrating Mr. Claypool, my Sophmore Algebra teacher. He taught me some very important life lessons.
It used to be standard for a teacher to acquire his or her Master's Degree in their first 10 years of teaching in Kentucky. This practice will soon not be the case.