I'm old enough to remember when the price of gas was well below two dollars on a regular basis. So this recent huge drop is not only a welcome surprise but also a little nostalgic.

But I never expected the kind of very nice surprise I got at Kroger the other day.

I was just doing some routine grocery shopping and, when I checked out, the clerk told me I'd received 500 bonus fuel points.

500!!! F-I-V-E H-U-N-D-R-E-D!

And the thing is, I already had close to 100 points on my account for the month. So I went back into the store and purchased just enough (and, really, it didn't take much) to get to 600.

Next thing you know, I'm getting 60 cents off a gallon of gas.

Can you believe it? $1.39 a gallon!!!!!


By the way, that's my total below. I wish my tank had been completely empty, but it was low enough and I was eager to pay the lowest amount per gallon of gas that I'd spent in, maybe, 15 years.


Dave Spencer
Dave Spencer

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