What do Amazon, Apple, and L.L. Bean have in common? They all ranked at the top of their categories in a recent study tracking customer satisfaction with online retailers.

The ForeSee E-Retail Satisfaction Index uses a 0 to 100 scale with scores based on factors like functionality, merchandise, content and price. Anything above an 80 is considered “good.”

This year’s big category winners included L.L. Bean (in apparel) and Apple (in computers and electronics) — but the overall grand champion? That’s Amazon, which scored an all-time high of 89.

“Amazon continues to set the standard for e-retailers,” the study said. “Amazon’s score sets a record as the highest score ever attained by a retailer measured in this Index.”

The ForeSee study and others show that not only are customers happy with Amazon, consumers find online shopping in general more satisfying than shopping in brick-and-mortar stores — and that’s something that’s making traditional retailers take notice. Many have now realized how important their websites are and have done major overhauls to attract new customers.

Will Ander, a senior partner with retail industry consulting firm McMillanDoolittle, said, “The smart chains are the ones looking to grow online because there aren’t that many places left in the U.S. that warrant the cost of building another big-box store.”

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