During the holiday season, I did what most folks do...hung out with friends and family, exchanged gifts, got a reminder in the mail that I'm getting older...

Yep, along with those same friends and family members, AARP ALSO knows that, yes, I'm turning 50!

I got the tell-tale membership card in the mail and I just had to laugh!

Hey, I have no issues with the big 5-0! Thank God I'm here! The alternative is unthinkable.

And I've been asked what that's like--by the way, it doesn't happen until Thursday.

But, yes, I've been asked.

So, here it is...

I don't know. At least I don't know what the answer should be. I'll be 49 years old until 3AM Thursday and then I'll be 50.

I don't THINK there will be any huge, different thing that happens at that point, but if a large primate or perhaps a big burly farm animal bursts through my bedroom wall to clarion my arrival at my second half-century, you will be the first to know.

Seriously, what I'm thinking about as I approach 50 is the fact that I remember what I always thought 50 looked like or WOULD look like and I don't look like that.

Aside from that, I'll play it by ear and see what happens.

(And, hey, I even get a free INSULATED BAG!)

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