Indiana is one of the unhealthiest states in the nation, says a recent report.

Earlier today, the United Health Foundation along with the American Public Health Association and the Partnership for Prevention released their annual report, ranking Indiana in the 41st spot – slipping from 37th in 2011.

Indiana health officials say that the United Health Foundation’s America’s Health Rankings detail what they have known all along. “Disappointing but maybe not surprising,” said Jerry King, executive director of the Indiana Public Health Association. “The trend of Hoosiers paying really serious attention to their health has always been a problem.”

Contributing factors in the decline of Hoosier health were high obesity and smoking rates, low public health funding and nearly the worst level of air pollution in the country.

However, the good news is that Indiana ranked better than most states in the area of binge drinking. Still, health officials say that it could be years before Indiana has a decent showing when it comes to the issue of health.

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