In this day and age, when we hear about threats of gun violence in schools, we find that those threats are usually made by students – but aren’t teachers just as capable?

That’s what one Indiana school district intends to find out after one of their high school business teachers allegedly wrote a threatening message on the chalkboard for a group of sophomores and juniors attending a personal finance class.

Officials at Edison Junior-Senior High School in Lake Station, Indiana say that they suspended a 28-year veteran teacher on Friday after a student posted a photograph of a chalkboard on Facebook with the following message scrawled on it:

Period 6: (only)

(a)  You are idiots!!!

(b) The guns are loaded!!!

(c)  Care to try me?????

According to police, the message could be grounds for felony charges, and for that reason, Superintendent Dan DeHaven says that the future of the teacher’s career at Edison lies in the outcome of the investigation.

School district officials say that the message was taken as a serious threat and the teacher was removed from the premises immediately. However, police say they are still interviewing students to try to determine if the threat was, in fact, legitimate.

Yet, the incident has parents concerned that they can no longer trust the mental stability of those put in charge of educating our children. “He could have had (a gun) with him,” said one parent. “It could have been in his suitcase it could have been in his car. It could have been on him.”

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