Yesterday, I took my daughter to see the new Cinderella. Since she is two, she decided to dress the part in a teal blue dress and a tiara. I made her wear tights and a sweater since it was a bit chilly yesterday but with her little sprigs of blond hair in a poof on top of her head and stuffed animal in hand, she definitely was in character!

I didn't really know what to expect when I took her into the theater. I saw the trailer - it looked awesome and even made me tear up a bit. But, what we were to encounter made me sit back and think about so many things in my life.

We all know the story of Cinderella. Though many of us grew up with Disney's 1950 animated version, origins of this tale stem back to ancient Greece and has been reworked by many authors around the world. We know about the cruelty of her stepmother and stepsisters, the fairy Godmother, the ball, the glass slipper and being rescued by the Prince.

What struck me about the new real life movie, is the underlying tones carried throughout the film. Before her mother's passing, Ella's mother tells her:

I want to tell you a secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer. Have courage and be kind.

Have courage and be kind. Even in the bleakest and darkest of circumstances, Cinderella graciously smiles, sees the good in all her surroundings and offers kindness to others - even those who are cruel to her.

We live in a world where cruelty and bullying is commonplace and it's often caused from fear and feelings of inadequacy within the bully. In the movie, Cinderellas asks her stepmother why she hates her so. Her stepmother can offer no real answer, except that she is kind and good and sweet all the time. By putting Cinderella down, the stepmother made herself feel more powerful and eased her feelings of inadequacy and sorrow.

Many times, we are taught to stand up for ourselves and fight back. There is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself but when you outwardly project the negativity and hatred that is coming at you, you first absorb it rather than deflecting with positivity. You bring yourself down and allow yourself to soak in the hatred which is much harder on you and much harder to rid yourself of. Being kind to those who hurt you will not break your spirit, only allowing their bitterness in will.

Throughout the movie, Cinderella radiates her positivity and looks for the good in her circumstances which draws her prince in. She also immediately forgives her stepmother and sisters for their actions. Had she harbored bitter feelings towards them, her life beyond the attic probably wouldn't have been so 'happily ever after.'

If you are being bullied or mistreated, I urge you to remember that though your circumstances seem hopeless, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and nothing lasts forever. High school doesn't last for forever. Inevitably, there's a group somewhere out there that gets you and appreciates you for who you are and what you love and you will probably find them in college. If you are being abused by a parent, spouse or any family member, there's help for you at your local domestic abuse shelter. If you feel trapped in a job where your co-workers or supervisor is verbally or emotionally mistreating you, make today the day you move on and find a place that appreciates you and the outstanding work you do.

I also ask that you do not give in to the negative, the hatred and the fighting. As I write this, I am also speaking to myself. I have a hot temper - I am learning to control it and ultimately learning to give my issues to God which is how I regain my zeal and strength when I want to explode and tear into the people who injure my spirit. I have also learned that by having courage and being kind, it is almost always reciprocated. When it's not, I choose to surround myself with the people who will encourage me and build me up to do the best work that I can do in this world. I hope to teach my daughter these same life lessons.

If you are on the fence about seeing Cinderella, I would highly recommend it. It's okay to believe in fairy tales and hope for your prince (whatever your "prince" might be) to come along.

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