Ha, we are heading to Dogpatch, Kentucky ... not sure where exactly that is, but it is where L'il Abner and all the gang created by Al Capp reside. According to wikipedia.org, one of the characters was Marryin' Sam, a traveling (by mule) preacher who specializes in $2 weddings. He also offered the $8 "ultra-deluxe speshul," a spectacular ceremony in which Sam officiates while being drawn and quartered by four rampaging jackasses. He cleans up once a year — during Sadie Hawkins Day season, when slow-footed bachelors are dragged kicking and screaming to the altar by their prospective brides-to-be.


Sadie Hawkins Day has long been celebrated on the first Saturday of every November. And, the day first appeared in the L'il Abner comic strip on November 15, 1937. So, why is today Sadie Hawkins Day? I don't know. Somebody told me it was and we are celebrating it today.  Now, if you are a WOMI Insider, you'll need to know you can get points by knowing today's word: "Sadie". If you are not a member, join up.


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