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Here is what's on today.

Same Sex Marriage Before the CourtIt was a historic week at the Supreme Court as it heard oral arguments on two cases regarding the rights of same-sex couples. But as the political winds seem to be changing, will the increased public support translate to the result at the Supreme Court? This Sunday, we'll have a special conversation about the politics of same-sex marriage and the implications from this week's Supreme Court hearings. Joining us: Actor Rob Reiner, who was a vocal critic of California's Proposition 8 and attended the hearings this week; President of the National Organization for Marriage Brian Brown; the Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan; founder and President of the National Action Network, MSNBC's Rev. Al Sharpton; and NBC News Justice Correspondent Pete Williams.Senators Schumer & Flake on Immigration, Guns

We'll talk with two influential members of the Gang of 8, a bipartisan group of Senators working to reform the country's immigration system. Is the group the best hope for reaching a consensus in Congress? We'll discuss with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on Sunday as well as the debate over same-sex marriage and gun control.

Guns & Immigration take Center Stage

An impassioned plea from President Obama this week set the stage as he hopes to regain momentum on gun control legislation in Congress next month. But what is likely to pass Congress? Did Washington miss the chance to pass legislation following the tragedy in Newtown? Plus, both sides seem to be willing to work together on comprehensive immigration reform, but can it get done this year? Our roundtable weighs in: former top adviser to President Obama, David Axelrod; Former Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA); the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson and the Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan.

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