Owensboro hardly seemed like "Paradise City" last week.  In fact, the grass wasn't green.  It was covered in about a foot of snow from Winter Storm Thor.  But my friend Tara Estes made the most of a rather snowy situation.  In the meadow she built a snowman.  And named him Slash.  Look!


Tara said, when posting these photos, "I think I'll keep my day job."   But I think she clearly had "patience" and did a pretty good job with her Guns and Roses tribute.

However, there is one tiny problem and it's glaring right there in the fourth photo.  The sun seems to be shining on Tara's old Kentucky home and that spells doom for Slash the Snowman.  This "sweet child of Tara's" isn't going to be with us much longer.  But, for now, thumpetty thump thump!  Thumpety thump thump.  Look at Slashy go!


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