healthy lifestyle

My Mediterranean Village Lifestyle (Shaped by Faith)
My Mediterranean Village Lifestyle (Shaped by Faith)
My Mediterranean Village Lifestyle (Shaped by Faith)
Rena Ayyelina is the author of, 'My Mediterranean Village Lifestyle.' Check out her new book on Rena connects the dots between old world simplicity and newly understood knowledge about nutrition and lifestyle in a simple, common sense narrative inspired by the tiny village of Lafita, Korinthias in the Greek mountains. Check out her Facebook page, My Mediterranean village lifestyle. She shares healthy recipes, health tips and encourages everyone to take care of their health.
Brenda's weight loss journey
Brenda's weight loss journey
Brenda's weight loss journey
Brenda has gone through her First Month of Training, has lost 15 lbs and is moving on to a healthy lifestyle! Brenda shares her ❤Testimony with us today in the first segment. I am so inspired by my radio guest Brenda Sharp as she continues losing weight and taking the necessary steps to living a healthy lifestyle...