Selfies are basically another way to tell someone what you are doing.  But what about selfies just for the heck of it?  Here is another question.  Where are the best places to take selfies in Owensboro? 

First of all I would like to point something out.  This is some behind the scenes stuff at  When I type the word "Selfie" into an article like this... it doesn't get the red squiggly line.  Squiggly didn't even the red squiggly line.  However Owensboro does get the squiggly line.  I love how a city is considered incorrect spelling.  Anyway a selfie creates proof to whatever you are doing.  Say you post on Twitter that you are eating a bowl of soup on the back deck.  People will say "Yeah right, what a liar."  But if you take a picture of yourself with a spoon in your mouth with the balcony rail in the background... you're golden.  But what are the best places to take selfies in Owensboro?


This is Gabe's Tower here in Owensboro.  I'M TAKING SELFIES ASBESTOS I CAN!!!  Anyway it's tall, has history and is kinda hard to look at but I believe that it is a perfect selfie opportunity.  People in the parking lot kinda thought I was nuts.


After Gabe's I went down a couple of blocks, shot down Frederica and ended up here!  The Buffalo Crossing monument.  The sun was in my eyes on this one.  However I am standing next to the very realistic buffalo and I believe that this is an excellent place to take a selfie.


Chill out Buffalo... I'm just taking a selfie.


Another great place to take a selfie is aboard the mighty trolley that cruises through the downtown streets of Owensboro.  This one had the door open and the driver let me on to snap a quick selfie while sitting in the very comfortable drivers seat.


Ahh yes... Smothers Park in Owensboro.  Another wonderful spot to snap a selfie.  This one is next to one of those enormous concrete trees.  I figured I would get this caterpillar in the shot too before he cocooned himself and turned into a butterfly.   That may have been the cheesiest thing I've ever typed in my entire life.


And finally we get get back to Frederica where I found a sweet 650i for sale.  This is the perfect spot to take a selfie that way I can show off my love for automotive engineering and to show off my ink.  Yes I have a BMW tattoo.  The embarrassment level was running high on this one considering I was on Frederica with my shirt off and my sleeves rolled up to take a selfie with an eighty nine thousand dollar BMW.

So there it is peeps.  My top five spots to take a selfie in Owensboro!

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