Over the course of our lives we use the bathroom A LOT.  I don't need to tell you that.  Since we use it often we may as well be doing it right.  The people at Squatty Potty are going to help us out.  Keep on reading.

It's all about posture.  Our colon gets all cramped up when we sit on the throne and it's bad for us!  Let's just say that it's sort of like getting ketchup out of a ketchup bottle that's bent in half.


Humans were not designed to sit the way they do on the modern toilet so the good people at Squatty Potty want to help.  We have to squat that way our colon is not.. choked and.  This is basically a stool that sits in front of your toilet.  When the time comes, you sit with your feet on the stool that way your body forms itself into a sort of modified squatting position.  35 degrees never sounded so good!

Watch the video to learn more.

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