Facebook is clearly full of people and all the stuff they are doing.  Most of the time we don't care.  There have been studies that confirm other people's Facebook status updates depress people.  However there hasn't been a study confirming that other people's status updates annoy them.  That is apparently just something that we know for sure in our heads.  Featured in the picture here is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook.  By the look on his face you can clearly see that he's thinking "Oh Gosh what did I create?"

The following list is compiled of the most annoying posts people write.  Whether it's bragging about their new promotion at work, or the ever popular quote someone else said a long time ago.

1.  The "I'm living the life" brag.  Example:  "Guess who just got promoted!" or "Off to Hawaii!

2.  The disguised brag.  Example:  "Walking home from work three different guys whistled at me and two others made comments about my cleavage.  Sometimes I really hate men."  Also known as a 'humblebrag'.

3.  Relationship updates.  Example:  "Tough day at work and I came home to a candlelight dinner.  I am the luckiest girl in the world."

4.  The cryptic cliffhanger.  Example:  "This could be a biggggggggg day . . ."

5.  The update that LITERALLY describes what you're doing that day . . . and it's not even interesting.  Example:  "Off to the gym, then dinner and watching TV."

6.  The public-private message.  Example:  "I miss you, when can we hang out?"

7.  The out-of-nowhere Oscar speech.  Example:  "I just want to thank everyone who's touched my life.  Your support means everything and I wouldn't have gotten through the past year without you."

8.  The incredibly obvious opinion about a big event.  Example:  "Thinking about all the people affected by the recent tragedy.  So heartbreaking."

9.  Unsolicited spiritual wisdom.  Example:  "'Peace comes from within.  Do not seek it without.' -Buddha."

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