One of my favorite things to do in the world is hop in the car and just go for a drive and see where the road takes me. I've been doing it since I became a licensed driver. I'm 100% certain I got it from my dad.You'd never know when he'd signal for us all to pile into the car because we were going for a drive.

No destination.

There's no telling where we'd end up.

So, I got to thinking, there's a list for just about everything. And, sure enough, I found one that ticks off the best scenic routes in Kentucky.

Sure, there are routes on this list that would take you way off into eastern Kentucky--and if you have the time, it's an amazing part of the state--but there are suggestions that are very close to home. One of them actually IS home.

To get some great ideas, just click here.

Yeah, I don't know if NOW is really the best time to do it. You want to be able to get out of your car and enjoy yourself and that's just not that easy to do in winter.

But, if you're like me, you're thinking spring already.

And maybe this collection of scenic drives will give you some ideas on how to fill downtime in the months ahead.

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