Coast to Coast AM

Your Coast to Coast schedule, heard midnights on WOMI and



LIVE with George Knapp

His guests from midnight to 1 are Robert Greenwald and Franz Gayl . Their film, "War On Whistleblowers" will be discussed. It chronicles the ‘’War on Whistleblowers’’ with filmmaker Robert Greenwald and whistleblower Franz Gayl, who blew the whistle to the Secretary of Defense, and later to Congress and the media, about critical equipment shortages in Iraq that could have saved lives and money.


The guset is unknown at this time.


"It’s All In Your Dreams", claims Kelly Sullivan Walden.

She and George will discuss how scientific studies, including one from Harvard University, are proving that dream recall connects the conscious brain with the wisdom, guidance and unusual data from the subconscious mind. She will feature numerous cases from people who have done everything from find their soul mates to diagnosing their own cancer via tracking their dreams. 


F. William Engdahl, and his book, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order He will discuss how a tiny group of global elite are gaining control over the world's oil, agriculture and currencies and how the people of Europe are actively fighting against the push for GMO monoculture crops and fighting for access to huge reserves of natural gas which when tapped can provide some debt relief for certain nations.


Have you heard of The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth ? Well Bruce Lipton has and is prepared to talk about it. Lipton, a cell biologist by training, has taught at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine, and later performed pioneering studies at Stanford University. He will discuss his belief that that if we use the 50 trillion cells that live harmoniously in every healthy human body as a model, we can create not just honeymoon relationships for couples but also a ‘’super organism’’ called humanity that can heal our planet.


Evelyn Paglini is a practitioner and teacher of natural magic. She will offer her insights on the state of the world, weather predictions , economy and earth changes as well as tools for coping the wild changes ahead. Learn more about her at her website


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