Chris Christie on Rand Paul Feud: “I Don’t Know Why Sen. Paul is So Out of Whack on This” [VIDEO/AUDIO]
They could be the first shots fired in the 2016 presidential race. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Raul are embroiled in a war of words and neither is holding anything back. During Christie's monthly appearance on New Jersey 101.5's "Ask the Governor" Wednesday, Christie said his original comments on national security had nothing to do with Paul, and Christie's really not interested in continuing to engage Paul, either.
“I don’t know why Sen. Paul is so out of whack on this," said Christie.
"I didn’t use any childish phrases like, ‘gimme, gimme, gimme.’ He did, and I just have to assume from that that he’s trying to get some attention. And that’s fine. He’s not the first politician to use me to get attention in the national media and I’m sure he won’t be the last,” said Christie.
The well-publicized argument has nothing to do with the 2016 presidential race, insisted Christie.
Earlier Wednesday, during an appearance on Fox News, Paul said he thinks his feud with Christie has gotten a little too personal. "We’re going to have to patch things up. I’m inviting him for a beer.”
Will Christie accept his invitation?
“I’m running for re-election in New Jersey," Christie said during "Ask the Governor." "I don’t really have time for that at the moment...I've got work to do here."
But Christie added, "If I find myself down in Washington I'll certainly look him up."
The feud began last week when Christie spoke at a forum in Colorado. He said Republicans who oppose the National Security Agency’s use of surveillance in counter-terrorism efforts without warrants represent a "strain of libertarianism" within the Republican Party.
Christie also said Paul, and those who feel they way he does, should come to New Jersey and explain the position to 9/11 widows and orphans. That didn't go over well with Paul.
Over the weekend, Paul said Christie was hording federal funds for Superstorm Sandy recovery and said he has a “gimme, gimme, gimme” attitude. He later accused Christie of being the “king of bacon.”
Christie addressed the name calling on "Ask the Governor" saying he never called Paul any names. "I'm not offended by Sen. Paul calling me names. I think it's juvenile, but I'm not offended by it 'cause lots of people call me names all the time. If you're going to get disturbed about that kind of stuff and be in this business you're not going to be in this business long or at least you're not going to enjoy yourself."
The counter from Christie is that New Jersey gets $.61 back for every dollar it sends to Washington, while Kentucky gets $1.51.
"Maybe he should start cutting the pork barrel spending that he brings home to Kentucky," said Christie Tuesday. “I doubt he will because most Washington politicians only care about bringing home the bacon so that they can get re-elected."