FBI Says 1 in 5 Violent Crime Victims in Missouri Know Offender
It's easy to think that violent crime is something that only happens to others. According to recent FBI stats, in Missouri not only is it likely to happen to you at some point in your life, there's a 1 in 5 chance that you will know the person assaulting you.
I did some research using the FBI Crime Data Explorer. It uses the most recent data which has been collected from the FBI with the most complete recent year being 2020. This is not a small sample size. The data on Missouri alone accounts for over 23,000 cases of violent crime.
From that most recent FBI data comes a startling fact. 1 out of every 5 violent crime victims in Missouri will know the offender who assaulted them.
More than 5,500 of the victims were assaulted by an acquaintance or boyfriend/girlfriend. So very sad. The fact is that the number might be even higher. The greatest majority of violent crime offenders have an unknown relationship with the victim.
In this newest data, there's more bad news for Missouri. The Show Me State is trending well above the national average for violent crime as this graph from the FBI shows.
You can check the data from the FBI yourself. They even make it possible for you to download their data. No matter how you look at it, there's really no good news about the violent crime trends in Missouri. We can only hope to see brighter days in the future. Where's Batman when you need him?