The 103rd West Side Nut Club Fall Festival takes place October 6 - 12, 2024, in Evansville, Indiana, and there are more than 200,000 people expected to attend. With that large of a crowd, you'll want to have a plan in place in the event you and your child(ren) get separated.

Expect Large Crowds During Peak Hours at Fall Festival

Like most large events, there will be times when the crowd along West Franklin Street will be smaller and more manageable. However, the during peak hours of the annual street festival, the crowds can be quite large. Pair that with all of the sights, sounds, and smells that can overwhelm the senses, it can make it easy to lose sight of little ones - or for them to wander off.

READ MORE: Download the 2024 Fall Festival Munchie Map

A Program to Reunite Parents and Lost Children on Franklin Street

Losing your child in a large crowd is one of every parent's worst nightmares. Fortunately, the West Side Nut Club has a partnership with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office, and have a program designed to help reunite parents with lost little ones.

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West Side Nut Club Fall Festival "Find a Parent Program"

The "Find a Parent Program" offered by the West Side Nut Club and the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office is completely free to participate in, and should be the first stop for every family visiting Fall Festival. The few minutes that you spend taking advantage of the program can save you and your family time and anxiety in the event your child wanders off.

READ MORE: Save On Your All-You-Can-Ride Wristbands for Fall Festival

Stop By The Lost & Found Booth

Once you arrive on Franklin Street, stop by the Lost & Found booth located in the center of the intersection of 11th and Franklin Streets. When you get to the booth, simply ask one of the attending deputies for a "Find a Parent" wristband.

attachment-lost and found
West Side Nut Club via Facebook

Your Contact Info Secured to Your Child

The deputy will have you write your name and telephone number on the wristband before securing it to your child(ren)'s wrist. Having your name and phone number securely attached can make it much easier to  be reunited among a sea of people.

READ MORE: 103rd West Side Nut Club Fall Festival Survival Guide

Free to Participate

Again, the "Find a Parent Program" is completely free, and only takes a few minutes to receive a wristband. It is also advised that you point out to your child(ren) how to recognize a member of law enforcement or the West Side Nut Club so they know who to seek out if they get separated and need help.

[Source: West Side Nut Club on Facebook]

Evansville Police Say These 11 Items are Prohibited at the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival

The West Side Nut Club Fall Festival is an annual tradition for Evansville residents and visitors alike. Of course, with any event of this magnitude, safety is always a top priority for event organizers and local first responders. That's why the Evansville Police Department has released its list of prohibited items. These 11 items should not be brought to Fall Festival

Gallery Credit: Kat Mykals