Aside from treacherous roads and slippery sidewalks, winter snow poses another threat you may not be aware of - serious injury or even death.

Shoveling Snow Can Be Dangerous - Even Deadly

If you're wondering how snow can lead to serious injury or even death, you aren't alone. Up until a few days ago, I had no idea that snow, and more specifically shoveling snow, could be so dangerous and even deadly.

Many People Don't Shovel Snow Properly

According toa video (below) shared by MU Health, many people don't shovel snow properly. Some people will use their backs to lift the weight of the snow in their shovel. Others may try throwing the snow over their shoulder, rotating their back and core. These types of movements can cause injury.

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Use Your Knees Not Your Back

When shoveling, you should always use your knees, much like you would if you were picking up a heavy object. Remember: lift with your knees. But your back isn't the only part of your body at risk when you shovel snow.

Over 45? Don't Shovel Snow

I recently saw a video online that said if you are over the age of 45, which I am, that you should not shovel snow. The reason? Shoveling snow can cause heart attacks. In particular, the action of raising the shovel over your shoulder. While I cannot find the exact video I saw that called that a "novel motion," I have found plenty of o reliable information to back up the information that was shared.

attachment-Shoveling Is Dangerous

Shoveling Snow Is Incredibly Physically Taxing

In fact, the American Heart Association the movements associated with shoveling snow are incredibly taxing and shoveling heavy snow can put as much or more strain on your heart as a treadmill stress test which is often used to measure the efficiency and health of the human heart.

...the impact of snow removal is especially concerning for people who already have cardiovascular risks like a sedentary lifestyle or obesity, being a current or former smoker, having diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, as well as people who have had a heart attack or stroke.

If You Must Shovel Snow Follow These Tips

If there is snow that needs to be shoveled, it may be best to find someone else to do the work. If that is not an option, the American Heart Association says to start slow, and pace yourself. Rather than lifting and throwing the snow, they say to sweep or push the snow as it requires less exersion. They also advise that you should be bundled up appropriately and cover your nose and mouth in addition to your head and hands.

[SOURCE: American Heart Association]

Ten Tips From the American Heart Association to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Maintaining good heart health is so incredibly important to living a long, and healthy life. Keep reading to learn ten tips from the American Heart Association to improve your cardiovascular health.

Gallery Credit: Kat Mykals