Kentucky Man Says a Prayer for His HVAC Unit During Brutal Heatwave
Every head bowed and every eye closed as we continue to pray for relief from this blistering June heatwave. The possible light--or maybe a big box fan--at the end of the tunnel is that, as I write this, we are currently on the last day of an excessive heat warning (most of the rest of Kentucky is under a heat advisory). But I say "possible" because this was supposed to end YESTERDAY, and, well, here we are.
And if that light is imminent, it appears it will only be on for a brief couple of days.
Here's the latest update from the National Weather Service:
This extreme heat looks like it will last through Friday, at least for some parts of the region, so either an extension of the warning or potentially an advisory will likely be added for a portion of the region in upcoming forecasts. Some relief is on the way for the weekend. However, the heat will return with a vengeance next week, with triple digit highs in the forecast.
If you've been running the kids out of the kiddie pool so you can just sit in it--maybe even fully clothed--who could blame you? But you can do so much more than that.
But maybe you should commit it to in, a fervent wish that your air conditioning unit doesn't buckle under the oppression. That's what Ryan Sturm of Frankfort did.
"O Lord, we pray for a hedge of protection over these vessels unto which we are not worthy. For these conditioners of air, Lord, we pray that you might fill them with a double portion of freon and an unmatched work ethic during these next couple of trying weeks in the absolute sauna that is Central KY and beyond. In Jesus name we pray. Amen."
I understand this all light-hearted fun and if there are those of you are dealing with HVAC issues, it is NO laughing matter. And if that is the case, maybe you've availed yourself of ways to keep cool.
I certainly feel for all those who have to work outside. I always encourage water and lots of it, although I'm sure folks are way ahead of me on that one. But there are other tips, as well. I mean, it IS just June. We still have July and August to anticipate.
And here are some REALLY good ideas on how to keep your feet comfortable during the summer heat:
But maybe we start with taking a knee like Ryan Sturm has done. I pray that it's working out for him and his family. At the VERY least, he's made a lot of people smile.