Biggest Butterfly Greenhouse In Kentucky Makes a Perfect Day Trip
Attention Nature Lovers! Thousands of spectacular butterflies, of every size and color, are waiting to meet you at the Butterfly Greenhouse at Wilson Nurseries.
Growing up on 100 acres in Northern Michigan, I've always loved nature. We always had an abundance of butterflies to watch, enjoy and try to name. I miss that so much. Although, I will periodically see some at my home in Kentucky, it's just not the same. I think butterflies are the the most beautiful insect on earth. So, I was excited to find this iconic Butterfly Greenhouse at Wilson Nurseries, just a short drive away, in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Can you imagine having thousands of beautiful butterflies flying around you in a 3,000 sq. ft. greenhouse? It would be the ultimate fairy tale. Your camera is a must so you can take amazing pictures of the butterflies. Hopefully, landing on you, your friends or family too!
Saturday, August 17th, 2019 would be fun day to make your visit as there's an educational pollinator program planned, and you'll learn how to create a monarch habitat.
3690 East-West Connector - Frankfort, Kentucky 40601