Poker Run, Silent Auction to Benefit Sophia Ann Mosely
Sophia Ann Mosely was born a fighter when she came into this world on March 9th, 2021. She suffers from seizures caused by a stroke and other medical issues. This fundraiser will be held at the Ohio County Fairgrounds, and proceeds will help with her mounting medical expenses.
Sophia Ann's Journey
The last few months have been hard on the Mosely family. When Sophia Ann was born in March it was found that she had suffered a stroke before she was born, or during childbirth. This was followed by seizures and other medical complications. I can't even imagine what the family was and is going through. It has to be so scary not knowing if your little girl is going to be okay or even make it. When Mom got to hold her baby for the first time on March 18th, she just knew that Sophia Ann was a fighter.
Poker Run, Silent Auction & More
To celebrate Sophia Ann and her family a fundraiser is being planned for August 21st, 2021 at the Ohio County Fairgrounds. As you can imagine, the medical costs are staggering and will continue as her journey continues. The fundraiser will help offset some of these costs. It's a great way for the community to come together and help this family. As you see Sophia Ann's photos and journey below, continue on to read more about the event being planned. There are prizes awarded too!
Sophia Ann's Inspirational Journey
Sophia Ann's Journey Poker Run
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