BKR Boot Camp is in full swing at Edge Body Boot Camp here in Owensboro and Team Chad has hit the gym floor running.  This week, I want to introduce you to my team members and let you know a little bit about them, their journey and what they hope to accomplish in our six-week weight loss challenge!


Rhonda grew up in Thruston and is a school bus driver for Daviess County Public Schools.  She has three children and ten grandchildren.

Rhonda and I have actually known each other for about ten years or so.  I got to know her when her son, Heath Stallings, competed in our Goldie's Survivor series!  And I am thrilled to have her on my team.  Her biggest hobby is horseback riding, so she's already pretty active and fit.  I think Boot Camp is going to be right up her alley, even though she was jokingly yelling "Chad, I quit!!" after our first workout.

Rhonda decided to join BKR Boot Camp because she has "tried many different diets and has tried so hard to get mentally ready for working out."  Rhonda admits that everyday life has been getting in the way and she wants to make sure that she stays healthy.  Rhonda's 56-years-old now and says she's committed to getting "healthier mentally and physically" than she's ever been before. She says, "IT'S ON!!!"

I'll keep you posted on Rhonda's BKR Boot Camp journey!

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