The 50 Worst Cities For Bed Bugs in the United States
In the past several years, bed bugs have been on the rise. Terminix has released a report of the Top Bed Bug Cities in the United States and several of them are right here in Kentucky-->
Basically the list is made up from Terminix rendering the findings from service calls done in each city this past year;
*Check hotel headboards, mattresses and box springs for live bed bugs, their exoskeletons and/or dark blood spots.
*While full-grown bed bugs are about the size, shape and color of an apple seed, travelers should also look for newly hatched nymphs, which are cream-colored and the size of letters on a penny, as well as small translucent eggs, which may be found in the tucks and folds of sheets.
*Hang all clothing. Leave nothing lying on the bed or furniture.
*Avoid storing clothing in a hotel’s furniture drawers.
*Store suitcases on a luggage rack as far away from the bed as possible.
*Vacuum suitcases when returning home, and immediately wash clothing in hot water.
*Between trips, store luggage in a sealed plastic bag in a garage or basement, away from bedrooms.