This 100-Year-Old Abandoned Illinois School Will Give You Nostalgia
This school has sat abandoned for nearly a decade in Peoria and this year it's set to be demolished.
When I was in elementary school I remember walking the massive hallways in a single file line with my entire class to go do bathroom breaks or walk to the lunchroom. Along the way, there were always soooo many posters on the walls about empowering students and the famous, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" with the person shooting a basketball into the hoop. Remember any of that? This school I'm about to show you has those posters I'm describing and they bring back so many memories.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
“When the old Harrison School was built back in 1901, it served an important role in this community. Today, it serves only as a hazard and a barrier to the revitalization of this neighborhood" - Cheri Bustos
The city decided to demolish the building to better the lives of Peoria residents so they can have a safer neighborhood and the land can be repurposed toward better use!
All the windows are busted out and the entire building sticks out like a sore thumb.
Right when you enter the school, the hallways are flooded, walls peeling, and the ceiling definitely about to collapse. After this many years, you'd assume everything has caved in by now!
Luckily, it's getting demolished sometime in 2022 so there are no trespassers or injuries.
Along some of the hallways and classrooms, you'll find the posters I was talking about earlier. Take a look and it'll bring back those elementary school memories, I promise!
Oh mannnnn, I remember the fortune cookie poster from my school!!! Also, why does every school hang posters like this? All in an up-down pattern?
The school also has this Around The World decal that's in really good shape for being stuck to the wall so many years. This school was all about being inclusive, love that!
The quote below the image says, "You are the children - You are the world".
Are you reminiscing now? Yeah, same. There are even more photos of inside the school like the gymnasium and classrooms! If you want to see those pictures scroll down to the gallery! Check out the video, too.
Gallery Credit: Emily
Ummm, can anyone explain why these toys are tethered to an abandoned motel south of Rockford???
Gallery Credit: Danny Willams via Facebook
28 Photos of a Former NBA Star's Abandoned Illinois Mansion
Gallery Credit: JB Love