"They alive dammit!"

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (3 Seasons/Netflix)

Frederick M. Brown, Getty Images
Frederick M. Brown, Getty Images

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was one of the biggest suprises of 2015. The Tina Fey created show was originally made for NBC, before the peacock passed and it ended up on Netflix.

The show follows Kimmy Schmidt, a girl who ends up joining a cult and lived in a bunker for years, thinking the world had ended. A few years later, she is finally freed from captivity and finds herself in New York City. She decides she is going to try her best to become normal.

The show is rounded out with some amazing characters including Kimmy's gay, actor roommate Titus, and her boss Jacqueline. These characters have a lot of heart and are often hilarious. The show is super smart with it's humor and might not be for everyone. If you are the kind of person that needs a laugh track to let you know when you need to laugh, you might not get a lot out of the show. But if you like shows such as 30 Rock, Community, or Arrested Development, you are sure to fall in love with these characters.

The show is currently streaming on Netflix and just released the third season today.

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