Partner Triceps Extension with Towel

My guests Jeff Hagan with the Wendell Foster Campus for Developmental Disabilities and Sara Jackson with the Owensboro Symphony Orchestra helped demonstrate this simple, but yet amazingly challenging Triceps Exercise!

Jeff actually came walking in the radio station with a bag of ice for his back since he recently hurt it setting up ROMP. He pulled up a tent peg and then felt the pain in his back. Of course since I am a big FAN of helping people with their Core strength I reminded him to always work from his core! Since Jeff has a back injury I put him on the Shaped by FAITH stability ball to relieve any back or spine pressure/pain. He did quite well on the Ball!

To begin, one partner stands up or sits on a Stability Ball  with both arms fully extended above their head holding one end of a towel with both hands. The other partner should be standing directly behind that partner a few feet back, holding the other end of the towel.

The partner performing this exercise should have their elbows  in and the arms perpendicular to the floor with the palms facing each other while their feet should be shoulder width apart from each other. This is the starting position.

Now communicate with your partner so that he/she can grip the other side of the towel and start to pull down the towel  to apply resistance. Keeping the upper arms close to the head (elbows in) and perpendicular to the floor, lower the towel behind you until you feel a challenge in the triceps. Go back to the starting position by using the triceps to raise the towel. Remember to continue Breathing and stay focused as you perform this exercise.

Tip: The upper arms should remain stationary and only the forearms should move. Remember to focus on your breathing as you perform this exercise.

Repeat for 12-15 repetition

To modify this exercise, a person can sit down for more back support.

To make this exercise more challenging, a person can perform this exercise with one arm at a time.

Here is a scripture both you and your partner can focus on while exercisingJ

As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17

For more Simple exercises that you can do just about anywhere, anytime, check out Shaped by Faith at

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