downtown Owensboro

Painted Piano’s in Downtown Owensboro
Painted Piano’s in Downtown Owensboro
Painted Piano’s in Downtown Owensboro
"Painted Pianos" is coming to downtown Owensboro, Kentucky in conjunction with Friday After 5 on Friday, July 27.  The City of Owensboro began a new community arts project late last year where local artists created works of art on pianos...
Downtown Owensboro 42 Years Ago
Downtown Owensboro 42 Years Ago
Downtown Owensboro 42 Years Ago
While looking for some documents (which I still have not located) I came across some papers from September 1969. No I am not going to talk Nixon, Viet Nam, Hippies or Waitman Taylor winning the primary election. What most impressed me was the businesses that are no longer around and the prices for products and services. We used these ads to create commercials to air on 1490 WOMI and the competitio