This Sunday on Meet the Press, 5:00 p.m. on WOMI and from NBC

Lessons from Boston: Protecting the Homeland

Were the Boston bombings a failure of intelligence? Could the FBI and other government agencies have done more to prevent an attack on domestic soil? What is the right balance between national security and civil liberties? Plus, how do U.S. anti-terror policies like the use of drones overseas and the detention of terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay affect our security at home? This Sunday: a special discussion with the head of the Senate panel that has oversight of the FBI, Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT); former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani; former Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA), and Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR)

Washington Blame Game: President Obama vs. Congress

This week, President Obama passed the 100-day mark of his second term. How is the Obama agenda faring on issues like immigration reform, guns, and the budget? Who's to blame for inaction in Washington? How will the implementation of the new health care law play into electoral politics in 2014 and beyond? Joining us: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; former Democratic Congressman Harold Ford; Editor of the National Review, Rich Lowry; and MSNBC contributor as well as political columnist for the Miami Herald, Joy-Ann Reid.

Another Turning Point for Gay Rights Advocates?

Professional basketball player Jason Collins this week became the first active professional athlete in a major American team sport to publicly come out as gay. What impact will his announcement have on other professional athletes and the gay rights movement as a whole? Sunday, former Baltimore Ravens All-Pro linebacker and gay rights supporter Brendon Ayanbadejo joins us.

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