Dolly Parton never minced words about it.  She said that she will always love Whitney Houston's version of her hit "I Will Always Love You" because it sold millions of copies and made Dolly LOTS of money.  I honestly never thought anyone would come close to Whitney's version of that song.  I mean, holy cow!  She sang the bloody hell out of it and it spent 14 weeks at #1 on the Billboard Singles Chart.  So, imagine my surprise when my friend Anissa Jo Skaggs came across THIS video on the web.  Some random girl walked up to a random karaoke machine inside a discount grocery store and laid the song out.  WATCH!

The random girl, by the way, is Zendee Rose Tenefere.  Since this video has gone viral she has received invitations to appear with Ellen and Oprah and she landed herself a recording contract.  When Ryan Seacrest saw the viral video, he sent his team to track her down.  She is now signed to Warner Music and will likely never be seen singing in a discount grocery store again.  See, the random girl . . . nearly overnight . . . is now THIS!


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