Are We Getting More Snow in the Tri-State?
According to Punxsutawney Phil, we're supposed to be getting an early Spring! But, the Farmer’s Almanac and News 25 say something different.
Is the info from the Farmers' Almanac 100% correct? Not sure, but, today, we saw some snow showers here in the Tri-State!
Chart taken from the Farmers' Almanac February 2020 for Indiana, Kentucky, & Illinois and other Midwest States
News 25 Meteorologist, Ron Rhodes forecast for today (Feb. 6): cloudy with snow showers tonight, will last through the night with minor accumulations less than 1-inch. Breezy and cold. And, tomorrow, cloudy and cold with a few flurries mainly in the morning. Hi 35-39. Brrrrr.
So, I guess we’ll have to brace ourselves for more colder-snowy weather this month. It's anyone's guess if we'll get lots and lots of snow or just what we had today - snow showers and then melted away.
Speaking of snow, just the other day, here’s what happened to my “Snowman” sign that was hanging outside of our house - it fell to the ground, I’m assuming, due to the windy day. I thought it was a “Sign” to bring it indoors, so I took it inside and stored it away until next winter! haha.
Sources:, Farmer's Almanac