Big Brothers Big Sisters Southwestern Indiana Celebrating 40 Years Mentoring
Now more than ever it's so important for our kids to have mentors to look up to, and for the past forty years, one organization has been making sure that happens.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana matches 'Bigs' with 'Littles' for one-to-one mentoring. This includes treating the kids to regular outings, so they can have fun while bonding with their mentor.
Take a Look at Bowl for Kids' Sake
Bowl for Kids' Sake is their largest fundraiser that takes place in the spring every year. Participants register online or via the paper registration form and create teams of 6 to bowl at Franklin Lanes.
2021 Big and Little Brothers of the Year – Matthew & Little Brother Detravion
Bigs with Badges
Big Brothers and Big Sisters also has a program called “Bigs with Badges” that will match kids, or “Littles,” up with “Bigs” in law enforcement and other first responding departments. Volunteer mentors will visit the child in uniform at the child’s school once a week for 30 minutes.
This is a mutually beneficial program. Not only can get an opportunity to be a positive influence in a child's life, but they can help promote trust in law enforcement and safety officers in general. 91% of volunteers agreed their Little has made improvements since they started meeting.
How to Enroll Your Child
If you would like more information about enrolling your child to be a part of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters mentoring program, call (812) 425-6076 - For Enrollment Director, Amanda M., press 1 or CLICK here.
Are between ages 8-12 years old
Live in Vanderburgh, Warrick, Posey, Spencer, Gibson, or Henderson Counties