My sister showed me five toys and asked me to pick the two I thought looked most realistic. I chose the toy hand grenade and the toy knife/grenade/watch set. And she set those aside.

The remaining toys were tiny replicas of a pistol and a rifle, and small replicas of two orange handguns with green cylinders. They are all cap guns. But, upon closer inspection, anyone willing to look will notice a small warning on the toy guns. And here it is:


Photo by Dave Spencer
Photo by Dave Spencer


And just for the sake of having a point of reference, here's a shot of the toy rifle next to a tape measure so we'll know what we're discussing:


Photo by Dave Spencer
Photo by Dave Spencer


So, tell me now. How could any police officer mistake any of these toy guns for real guns? And you could really be charged with a crime if you whipped out the Mighty Midget toy gun key chain? Really?

Now, get this. The toy hand grenade and the grenade/knife/watch play set carry no such warnings. And, not only do I submit that it is far more realistic-looking, the toy grenade actually does this:



Obviously, it's a toy. But it ticks and makes an explosion sound. And doesn't alert the media like the far more ridiculous-looking toy guns do.

I just can't help but wonder, "Why the difference?"

What about you? Any ideas?


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