Wednesday Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking 700,000 reports to WikiLeaks.  But as mentioned in the headline, there is more to it.

Bradley is planning to live as a woman named Chelsea and wants to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible.  This was all stated early Thursday morning.

Take a listen.

Manning's defense attorney David Coombs told The Today Show in an interview that he is hoping officials at the military prison in Fort Leavenworth will accommodate Mannings request for hormone therapy.  He later came back to say that if Fort Leavenworth does not, then Coombs himself is going to do everything in his power to make sure they are forced to do so.

Manning's struggle with gender identity disorder (apparently a real thing) gives him the sense of being a woman trapped in a man's body. Attorney's presented this piece of evidence with his gender disorder struggle and it included a picture of the soldier in a blond wig and lipstick sent to a therapist.


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