Okay we are ending the week with things we lie about.  Sometimes these things help out a conversation and sometimes they are so obvious that it makes the conversation really awkward.

The glasses I'm wearing in the picture more than likely aren't making me look any smarter.  At least they were cheap though.  Well done Mullins for taking the picture.

But why do we lie about things to make us sound better.  I like the one about looking up famous quotes because it helps in conversations.  But it makes you sound a lot smarter when you actually know who said it rather than saying the quote and running away.




1.  Lying about high-brow BOOKS we've read - This is a dying trend I think.  Books for some people (me) haven't really been part of life.

2.  Changing our appearance to look smarter . . . like wearing glasses - Something else I have done myself.  It doesn't work.

3.  Looking up famous quotes to drop in conversation - Yet AGAIN! Is this about me? I promise I'm not a liar (unless I say I'm a Michigan fan). But famous quotes really spice up a conversation.

4.  Exaggerating our academic achievements - Okay finally something not about me.  I got done with school and got away.  Plain and simple.

5.  Pretending to be able to speak a foreign language - Que? Yo hablo español muy bien.  Just Kidding.

6.  Exaggerating our job status - Something I cannot afford to do.

7.  Pretending to know about WINE - I love wine but I don't know the first thing about it.

8.  Calling popular movies GARBAGE even though you secretly love them - Titanic is really dumb and I cannot stand it at all...

9.  Re-tweeting news to seem like we're up on current events - Tweeting anything is against my religion.

10.  Frantically researching the news to try to have a few talking points before dinner parties - Not dinner parties, but this is a good idea to do this when you have a radio show on a News Talk station.

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