Ah Canada.  The second largest country after Russia as it has coastlines with the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific Oceans.  Canada is a bit larger than the United States but has 11% as many people, 75% of these people live within 100 miles of the United States.

A lot of news has been coming out of Toronto dealing with Mayor Rob Ford.  He's made some bad decisions lately and it has been circling around the headlines and radio microphones.

All of his bad news began in 1999 when he got his first DUI in Miami and since then it has escalated to drug abuse, assault and basic disorderly conduct.  So why not get some help?  The late night talk show host's have the answer.

Take a listen -

Now Mayor Ford's reality show (as you heard) aired only once before being lifted from the line up.  His first statement on his new show - "You've heard the late night comedians, you've hard the critics, you've heard about the pundits, you've heard the criticism  and the counselors, now tonight I want you to listen to me."

Apparently this show took five hours to record and an additional eight hours to edit.  Meaning that the show would just be too expensive for sun news to keep employees employed on the show.

It's usually a different story in America when dealing with reality shows.

Now moving away from the insanity with Rob Ford we try to remember what the capitol of Canada actually is.  Do you know?  Because these HARVARD students are having a little trouble figuring it out

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