Coasts to Coast Schedule – Vile Vortices, TWA flight 800 and Fascinating Earth Files
Coast to Coast AM Midnights on WOMI and 1490womi.com
LIVE with John B. Wells
According to investigative journalist, Ben Swaan, our culture is truth deficient - the historical centers of truth have broken down, the average U.S. citizen has lost their voice to the affluent with money and power, and voters are disenfranchised from the party system. Swaan will discuss his ‘’Truth in Media’’ project - speaking truth to power through media, culture, and technology to empower the voice of the people toward liberty and freedom.
LIVE with George Noory
Editor of Unicus Magazine and expert in UFOs, Robert Stanley, will discuss the epidemic of missing people who have disappeared without a trace from Earth from various hot zones which include the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean and the Devil’s Sea in the Pacific Ocean plus ten other ‘’vile vortices’’ found around the world.
LIVE with George Noory
Former police officer specializing in accident investigation James Sanders was married to a TWA flight attendant when TWA flight 800 went down in 1996. Within a few weeks, James was bombarded with calls from people who were concerned with how they were being treated by government agencies. He became involved with his own investigation and later was indicted for the crime of receiving residue from the accident and having it tested. He will discuss his journey looking for the truth behind what happened and how the truth has been altered.
LIVE with George Noory
Georgina Cannon is an award-winning, board-certified, master consulting hypnotist and founder of Canada’s leading hypnosis training facility and clinic She will discuss the power of hypnosis and how it can be used to access not only past lives, but inter-lives, which have a profound impact on our well-being right now on the Earth plane.
LIVE with George Noory
Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, will discuss an Alabama dive shop owner’s discovery of a half-mile long forest of cedar that had been preserved by sand for more than 50,000 years located 60 feet down which was reveled by Hurricane Katrina, mysterious strong radio bursts being detected from far beyond the Milky Way galaxy being detected that might go back in the universe's life between 5 to 11 billion light-years ago, an update on Comet ISON headed for close approach to our Sun in November, and the recent discovery of 9 refined rings that were discovered in a wheat field on the Ridgeway near the ancient stone circles of Avebury in Wiltshire County.
LIVE with John B. Wells
Guest: Open Lines
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